Class: StorageClient

Storage Client (Finsemble Connect)

The Storage Client handles saving and retrieving data for your SmartDesktop.

See the Storing Data tutorial for an overview of using the Storage Client.


(event, handler)

Name Type Description
event string
handler Function


Clears a storage adapter of all data.

Name Type Description
cb StandardCallback

The callback to be invoked if the method fails.

(params, cb)

Get a value from storage.

Name Type Description
Name Type Description
key string

The key to get from storage.

topic string

The topic that the data is saved under.

cb StandardCallback

The callback to be invoked if the method fails.

FSBL.Clients.StorageClient.get({ topic:"finsemble", key:"testKey" }, function(err, data) {
	var myData = data;

(params, cb)

Get all keys for the topic.

Name Type Description
Name Type Description
keyPrefix string optional

Filter all keys that don't start with this prefix.

topic string

Topic for the keys to return.

cb StandardCallback

The callback to be invoked if the method fails.

FSBL.Clients.StorageClient.keys({topic:"finsemble", keyPrefix:"test"}, function(err, data){
	var myKeys = data;

(params, cb)

Delete a value from storage.

Name Type Description
Name Type Description
key string

The key to get from storage.

topic string

The topic that the data is saved under.

cb StandardCallback

The callback to be invoked if the method fails.

FSBL.Clients.StorageClient.remove({ key:"testKey" })

(event, handler)

Removes an event listener added by addEventListener

Name Type Description
event any

An event that was used with addEventListener to add a listener

handler any

The handler that was used with addEventListener for the event

(params, cb)

Save a key value pair into storage.

Name Type Description
params componentMutateParams
Name Type Description
field string optional

Field to save.

fields optional

Fields to save.

key string optional

Key to store the data under.

stateVar optional

Whether the data is componentState or windowData.

topic string optional

Topic that the data is stored under.

value any optional

Value to save.

cb StandardCallback

The callback to be invoked if the method fails.

Example{topic:"finsemble", key:"testKey", value:"testValue"})

(params, cb)

Specifies the data store. For normal operation this function doesn't have to be invoked -- the default data store is set in configuration.

Name Type Description
Name Type Description
dataStore string optional

Identifies the data store (e.g. "localStorage", "redis").

topic string

If specified then data store is set only for topic.

cb StandardCallback

The callback to be invoked if the method fails.

FSBL.Clients.StorageClient.setStore({topic:"finsemble", dataStore:"redis"})

(params, cb)

Define the user name for storage (i.e., each user has unique storage).

Name Type Description
Name Type Description
user string

A unique key to store user data under

cb StandardCallback

The callback to be invoked if the method fails.

FSBL.Clients.StorageClient.setUser({ user: "JohnDeere"});