Class: StoreModel


(params, fn, cb)

Add a listener to the store at either the store or field level. If no field is given, the store level is used. You can also listen to nested object (e.g., field1.nestedField).

Name Type Description
Name Type Description
field string optional

The piece of data that you want to listen on. If this is empty it listens to all changes of the store.

fn any

the function to call when the data changes

cb any

callback to be invoked

var myFunction = function(err,data) {
store.addListener({ field:'field1' }, myFunction, cb);

(params, fn, cb)

Add an array of listeners as objects or strings. If using strings, you must provide a function callback.

Name Type Description
params Type Literal | Type Literal[] | string[]
Name Type Description
N/A Type Literal
Name Type Description
field string

The piece of data that you want listen on. If this is empty it listen to all changes of the store.

listener Function

The function to call when the piece of data is modified. If this is empty, fn is used.

N/A Type Literal[]
Name Type Description
field string

The piece of data that you want listen on. If this is empty it listen to all changes of the store.

listener Function

The function to call when the piece of data is modified. If this is empty, fn is used.

fn any optional

The function to call when the piece of data is modified.

cb any optional

callback to be invoked when the listeners are added.

var myFunction = function(err,data){
	field: 'field1',
	listener: myFunction
	listener: myFunction
null, cb);
store.addListeners([{ field: 'field1' },{ field: 'field2', listener: myFunction }], myFunction, cb);
store.addListeners(['field1','field2'], myFunction, cb);


Destroys the store.

Name Type Description
cb any

Function to be invoked after the store is destroyed.


(params, cb)

Get a value from the store. If global is not set, we'll check local first then we'll check global. Returns the value of the field. If no callback is given and the value is local, this will run synchronously.

Name Type Description
params Type Literal | string

The field where the value is stored.

Name Type Description
N/A Type Literal
Name Type Description
field string

The field where the value is stored.

cb StandardCallback

The callback to be invoked if the method fails.

store.getValue({ field: 'field1' }, function(err,value){});
store.getValue('field1', function(err,value){});

(fields, cb)

Get multiple values from the store. Returns an object of with the fields as keys.If no callback is given and the value is local, this will run synchronously. Returns an object of with the fields as keys.If no callback is given and the value is local, this will run synchronous

Name Type Description
fields Type Literal[] | string[]

An Array of field objects. If there are no fields provided, or value is null, all values in the store are returned.

Name Type Description
N/A Type Literal[]
Name Type Description
field string

The field where the value is stored.

cb any
store.getValues([{ field:'field1' }, { field:'field2' }], function(err,values){});
store.getValues(['field1', 'field2'], function(err,values){});

(params, fn, cb)

Remove a listener from store. If no field is given, we look for a store listener

Name Type Description
params optional
Name Type Description
field string optional

The data field with the listener that you want to remove.

fn any optional

The handler passed into `addListener` or `addListeners`.

cb any optional

returns true if it was successful in removing the listener.

var myFunction = function(err,data){}
store.removeListener({ field: 'field1' }, MyFunction, function(bool){});
store.removeListener(MyFunction, function(bool){});

(params, fn, cb)

Remove an array of listeners from the store

Name Type Description
params any
fn any

The handler passed into `addListener` or `addListeners`.

cb any optional

returns true if it was successful in removing the listener.

var myFunction = function(err,data){}
store.removeListeners({ field: 'field1' }, MyFunction, function(bool){});
store.removeListeners([{ field: 'field1', listener: MyFunction}], function(bool){});
store.removeListeners(['field1'], MyFunction, function(bool){});

(params, cb)

Remove a value from the store.

Name Type Description
params any

Either an object (`{ field: string }`) or string

cb any

returns an error if there is one

store.removeValue({ field: 'field1' }, function(err,bool){});

(params, cb)

Removes multiple values from the store.

Name Type Description
params string[] | Type Literal[]

An Array of field objects

Name Type Description
N/A Type Literal[]
Name Type Description
field string

The name of the field

cb any

returns an error if there is one.

store.removeValues([{ field: 'field1' }], function(err,bool){});

(params, cb)

Set a value in the store. Two events will be triggered with topics of: store and field.

Name Type Description
Name Type Description
field string

The name of the field where data will be stored

value any

Value to be stored

cb StandardCallback

The callback to be invoked if the method fails.

store.setValue({ field:'field1', value:"new value" });

(fields, cb)

This will set multiple values in the store.

Name Type Description
fields setValuesParam[]

An array where each element is like the object below.

cb StandardCallback

The callback to be invoked if the method fails.

store.setValues([{ field:'field1', value:"new value" }]);